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“The opposite of excuses is action.” - Edward L. Moore 


Experience the effect of a complete immersion into the viability of your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Regardless of the type of goal you have (fitness, entrepreneurial, financial, etc), this program revolutionizes how you see yourself, your value, your challenges, and highlights your responsibility to activate and actualize your dreams. Edward’s one one one program is a deep plunge into the realm of your possibilities, and is perfect for individuals who need help applying the “No Excuses” philosophy to their lives. Edward comes alongside you on your path to becoming “unstuck,” meeting with you to discuss your progress, while pushing you toward creating new goals to continue your upward momentum. Edward partners with his clients to identify and target the barriers, i.e. excuses, that hindered your progress in the past, while creating an effective action plan to follow through, and maintain your desired results.


Constant analysis paralysis leads to inaction, doubt, and fear. The lack of accountability kills more dreams than failure ever will. Moore’s approach to eliminating excuses focuses on taking progressive steps towards your goals, instead of trying to sprint to the finish. Edward’s unique value within his coaching setting is his one on one availability to you as a personal coach. His purpose is to push you beyond the limits of what you thought was possible for yourself and your legacy, while maintaining a respectful awareness of your work-life balance. Make the quality decision to seek out better for yourself, your family, and your community. Become unstuck, and commit to your life-changing process today!

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